Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Talk

I have a writer's block.
It's been on for quite a while now and almost starting to get scary.
Hi. My name is Tej. my close friends call me tej-amoksy but most call me, tej. So i guess tej should do for our sessions together. Yep, our sessions together. I most definitely want us to be friends. Good friends and while communicating with you in writing could be my form of will very much hope ready what i write will also give you some form of...lets say...get-away!
I am trying to sort out my "mind-files" to see if something or some things may be responsible for this writing lethargy of mine. I have a feeling though, that this "block bug"came to be since it's been a while since i had some "spark" in my know, like what you get from hot-wiring and stuff lol...
Recently though i had a very interesting talk with 8 years old niece about puberty, sex and boys.
Yep. The 3 letter words that get almost everybody in trouble (and from what i hear of late, even Priests! so help me God *eyes rolling*). But let's start from the beginning now shall we?
For the purpose of privacy we'll call my lovely niece Missy (i'm sure she'd be beside herself with that name! lol), and after a sudden realisation of the fast pace of her physical growth (as a lot of her peers these days!) and considering our closeness, i decided (since i was the adult here) it was time my not-so-little-Missy needed to know a little about the world that is thrusting itself upon her earnestly.
The following was the line of conversation that took place between yours truly and my fiesty 8year old Missy. Enjoy!

The Talk
Missy: ehen, aunty funmi(yep, she approached me first lol), you said we were going to have a talk about boys and girls, so are you ready today?
Tej: ehm (in-between tidying my room and considering if it was really a good idea bringing the topic up some 2 weeks earlier and seeing i could no longer put if off till "later" like i had done a couple of times already!) are you sure you are not doing anything right now? have you done your homework?
Missy: (hopping on one foot with no care in the world of what lecture she's about to get) yep! you said we will have the talk when you are less busy. so? (she corked her head to one side looking me straight in the eye....something i suddenly found difficult to do)
Tej: Ok, then (donning a very business-like look), sit here beside me on the floor. Now, boys and girls. (pause) Girls. (another pause. Now Missy is looking up at me very expectant of the outpouring of wisdom! If only she knew the struggles, b ut what needs to be done needs to be done. so..) You know soon you will be a teenager (Missy nods emphatically. Whaoh, she seems excited about that aspect already...i better hurry) well, then the next thing is you become an adolescent, that is a young adult and then after 21 years you become an official adult. Meaning you are old enough to make your own decisions and be held responsible for them yeah? ( she nods still. all attention on yours truly).
Well as you are growing you start changing, both in your mind and your body, and that's the reason we are having this conversation, so you understand what is going on and what you need to u nderstand to help you grow better yeah?
Missy: Ok.
Tej: Now the first stage you grow into is puberty
Missy: Pibooty?
Tej: No dear, PU-BER-TY
Missy: Ok. Puberty. (finger up)
Tej: Yes?
Missy: What is PIU-BER-TY?
Tej: (deep sigh) uhmmn..puberty is when a little girl like you start developing into a young woman, you know...growing.
Missy: uh hun..
Tej: And their are some signs that will start to show as you grow into this young woman like eh those two things on your chest ( i point and smile playfully while she suddenly became bashful and covers up with her hands for as usual she was in her briefest briefs) and you'll start what we call Period.
Missy: full stop?
Tej: (laughing) no baby. Its ehmn...lets seee how do i explain this. Ok. inside every woman there are eggs
Missy: Eggs? Like chicken?! (looking every inch bewildered)
Tej: (straight-faced) yep. like chickens. only we don't lay them like chickens. ours stay inside our bodies and just like the eggs of the chicken turns into a baby chick when they sit on it for days. Ours turn into babies in our tummy and after 9months when they are old enough and ready, they come out.
Missy: Wow (growing interest)
Tej: Yes. so, these eggs if they don't turn into babies, they break, and blood comes out and that is what is called Menstration(said very quickly with no intention of going over the particular word again) and thats what we call Period.
Missy: oh, mum does that.
Tej: Yes dear, and so do i. and you too very soon ok? That's what makes you a woman ok? it'a good thing and you don't need to worry about it ok? and that's why a woman has to keep herself once she starts with her period. There are so many things we need to know about ourselves and sex and boys...
Missy: What is sex? (she really looked innocent and i knew we had to keep it that way.) Ok well, i can always check the meaning in the little dictionary in my house(still looking innocent)
Tej: (oh God give me wisdom! and she has a dictionary!) Ehmmn(very gingerly) well. Sex actually has 2 meanings. It can be a noun and a verb. A noun when you want to know a person's gender...
Missy: Whether the person is male or female?
Tej: Yes. Male or female, boy or girl. It can also be a verb. An action.
Missy: What action?
Tej: An action that happens between a man and a woman ( spiritual hands together in silent prayer: no more question on this)
Missy: Ok...what is the action?

....Now how do you suppose i scaled through that question? lol...please stay tuned.